Mason Jar Cobb Salad

I am LOVING this Mason Jar Salad concept! I don't know what it is, but they stay so much more fresh than throwing a salad into a plastic container. Another one of my favorite salads is a Cobb Salad...YUM! So I put this one together today to have for the week. Of course I can not put together a new recipe and not share it with all of you.

Ingredients and Instructions:
(For 6 salads)
-2 Avocado (1/4 of avocado per salad)
-12 TBSP Gorgonzola Cheese (2 TBSP per salad)
-1 Cucumber skinned and sliced (divide evenly among Mason jars)
-10 hard boiled eggs chopped (2 eggs per salad)
- 12 TBSP Bacon Bits/ pieces (2 TBSP per salad)
-12 TBSP Bolthouse Classic Ranch Dressing ( 2 TBSP per salad)
- 12 Cups of Romaine lettuce (2 cups per salad)
Pour dressing into the bottom of each Mason jar. Then, in this order add egg, avocado, bacon bits, cheese, cucumber, lettuce.
When ready to eat, shake Mason jar to loosed up the dressing and pour into a plate or bowl.
For my 21 Day Fixers, one salad is:
2 Green, 1 Red, 1 Blue, and 1 Orange container.
Enjoy! ðŸ˜Š


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